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Wellness Services 


Jacqueline currently provides 45-60 minute consultation/coaching sessions in person or virtual on the following topics:


  • Prenatal Breastfeeding

  • Bottle Selection

  • Transition to Solids (Baby must be between the ages of 5-7 months)

  • Reflux concerns

  • Language Development (Toddler must be 9-14 months)

  • Back to Work/ Bottle Refusal


Wellness services are typically offered on a consultative or as needed basis with an average of 1-3 sessions depending on concerns and level of support desired. These sessions are designed to provide parent support, reassurance, and individualized guidance when there are not developmental, health, or weight gain concerns present. 



Speech and Language


  • Early Intervention services

  • Late Talkers

  • Expressive Language Delay/Disorder

  • Receptive Language Delay/Disorder

  • Articulation and Phonological Disorders

  • Motor Speech Disorders

    • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) 

    • Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech

    • Dysarthria 

  • Cleft palate and resonance disorders


Speech and language services are typically once or twice weekly with ongoing sessions until goals are met. 




  • Difficulty transitioning to solid foods

  • Biting and chewing foods

  • Challenges with specific textures

  • Cup drinking

  • Poor weight gain

  • Bottle feeding

  • G-tube or N-G tubes 

  • Oral Function for feeding

    • Tethered Oral Tissues 

    • Motor Function


Infant feeding services are typically scheduled every other week for 2-8 sessions, empowering parents to take the reins after learning the techniques, cues, and strategies practiced in each session. If swallowing (dysphagia) concerns are present, sessions are often weekly until a stable feeding plan is established. The length of each episode of care is determined in collaboration with the parent. 


Lactation/Breastfeeding Support


  • Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation

  • Oral Function assessment and treatment of infant (weak suck, uncoordinated suck, nipple shield dependent, unable to latch, painful latch, etc).

  • Feeding Schedule Consultation

  • Combo Feeding 


Lactation/ Infant feeding services are typically offered every other week, or on a consultative or as needed basis with an average of 2-6 sessions depending on concerns and level of support desired. Your goals are our goals- however you feed your baby (breast, bottle, formula, tube, combo ), we are here to help! Families are referred to an IBCLC to collaborate on management of maternal side issues such as mastitis, oversupply, and primary low supply, etc. 

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